Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Second advertisement
The first advertisement of the campaign
This is the
first advertisement we have recorded. It took us fourty minutes to do it, but
finally it lasts less than 40 seconds, therefore there is a lot of work. Part
of which could be seen by the MAKING OF, and other part is still surprise.
Monday, March 26, 2012
This week never too late group has been working hard in its task about "the dark side of text books". We have been recording some advertisements. Firstly, we had to plan, to organize, to collect the atrezzo, to find the setting... and finally to record.
Here you have some pictures about the making of but don´t look away from here because we will show you some "surprises"...
Here you have some pictures about the making of but don´t look away from here because we will show you some "surprises"...
Task for each role
Every week each member of the group will have a role inside the group (every
week the roles MUST change, and in the end of semester everybody has to
pass for every role, at least twice) and has to include the role tasks in a blog
post (apart, off course, from the post about the activity we do on this week).
The 4 roles will be:
- Facilitator: is the boss of the group, is in charge of divide, coordinate
and organize the work of every member in the group. Also you have to
encourage the dynamic of the group and be the key person in the
solution of personal affairs between members.
- Journalist: is who is going to tell the history of the group, has to tell the
dynamic of the weekly work and recover evidences of the processes.
- Analyst: this member of the group has to evaluate the work of the
group. Every week you have to answer to these questions in your post:
What was the best part of the activity?
What was the worse?
What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the
What was the worse?
What have you learnt?
What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
- Star: Is the principal character of the group, you will be the principal
voice of the group in the activity and has the representation of it.
· facilitator: idea para motivar, poner los roles de la semana.
· journalist: cuenta lo que pasa.
· analist: responder a las preguntas: reflexión.
· helper: ayudar y hacer recopilación semanal.
· star: representación del grupo.
week the roles MUST change, and in the end of semester everybody has to
pass for every role, at least twice) and has to include the role tasks in a blog
post (apart, off course, from the post about the activity we do on this week).
The 4 roles will be:
- Facilitator: is the boss of the group, is in charge of divide, coordinate
and organize the work of every member in the group. Also you have to
encourage the dynamic of the group and be the key person in the
solution of personal affairs between members.
- Journalist: is who is going to tell the history of the group, has to tell the
dynamic of the weekly work and recover evidences of the processes.
- Analyst: this member of the group has to evaluate the work of the
group. Every week you have to answer to these questions in your post:
What was the best part of the activity?
What was the worse?
What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the
What was the worse?
What have you learnt?
What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
- Star: Is the principal character of the group, you will be the principal
voice of the group in the activity and has the representation of it.
· facilitator: idea para motivar, poner los roles de la semana.
· journalist: cuenta lo que pasa.
· analist: responder a las preguntas: reflexión.
· helper: ayudar y hacer recopilación semanal.
· star: representación del grupo.
By groups you will receive a list where you will find 5 words from this list:
The group must illustrate those concepts. They could use their own drawings (hadmade or digital), pictures from the Internet (always refering the source), or even pictures from other parts. Illustrations could include messages, BUT those messages cannot include definitions or the word itself. (20’ for completing)
After completing the collection, each group will interchange the collection with other group (no words, only illustrations) (5’).
The group will choose a word for each image and will make its own list of words and images and will explain briefly, why they think this concept is well represented with this picture. (15’ for complete it)
Finally, the group will give back the list and images to the original group and we will analyse in the big group what are the results of the "experiment". (20’)
After the class, each group must include the list of concepts and illustrations they have created in their blog, and will try to include the reflections about the process. They will try to think in things like:
- Have you had any problem illustrating the concepts?
- How it is easier to know what is the concept, with a drawing? Or with a picture?
- Messages in illustrations help to clarify the concept?
- Why do you think the other group have had problems to guess the Word?
The group must illustrate those concepts. They could use their own drawings (hadmade or digital), pictures from the Internet (always refering the source), or even pictures from other parts. Illustrations could include messages, BUT those messages cannot include definitions or the word itself. (20’ for completing)
After completing the collection, each group will interchange the collection with other group (no words, only illustrations) (5’).
The group will choose a word for each image and will make its own list of words and images and will explain briefly, why they think this concept is well represented with this picture. (15’ for complete it)
Finally, the group will give back the list and images to the original group and we will analyse in the big group what are the results of the "experiment". (20’)
After the class, each group must include the list of concepts and illustrations they have created in their blog, and will try to include the reflections about the process. They will try to think in things like:
- Have you had any problem illustrating the concepts?
- How it is easier to know what is the concept, with a drawing? Or with a picture?
- Messages in illustrations help to clarify the concept?
- Why do you think the other group have had problems to guess the Word?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The three states of water
Last week we talked how we can make the subjects more interesting and that children do not get bored, but motivated, and that their knowledge must be significant and long term. We remind the class with Manel and how children can use stop motion or comic to represent something concrete such as the three states of water. To test that is more than possible, we did a simulation, which children can make much better.
Spring has come and I want that my group notices it, so I have given them some flowers in order to give colour to our work and cheer them up.
But these flowers aren´t just colour because for me they are a symbol of continous renovation as they never bloom twice in the same way.
They are also the best representation of a season (spring) in which Nature gives us the best it has inside. So girls, lets give our best!
Spring has come and I want that my group notices it, so I have given them some flowers in order to give colour to our work and cheer them up.
But these flowers aren´t just colour because for me they are a symbol of continous renovation as they never bloom twice in the same way.
They are also the best representation of a season (spring) in which Nature gives us the best it has inside. So girls, lets give our best!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Roles for this week
As it is a week of changes, the roles for this week are going to be the same as the last one.
I´m looking for something which can motivate my group to work better. So, as spring has come, I think it is going to be something related to it, but it is a surprise. Ah?
I´m looking for something which can motivate my group to work better. So, as spring has come, I think it is going to be something related to it, but it is a surprise. Ah?
Friday, March 16, 2012
Week of changes
This is a week of changes; on one hand we are finishing our part of "educational resources" and starting with "school organization" in SOyER subject and on the other hand we are starting with ICT subject (Information and Comunication Technology).
To finish with educational resources we are preparing an activity about text books, the most classical resource. We are going to read the information provided by our teacher and look for more information... Next week we are going to present.... "The dark side of the text books".
Ready? steady? Go!
To finish with educational resources we are preparing an activity about text books, the most classical resource. We are going to read the information provided by our teacher and look for more information... Next week we are going to present.... "The dark side of the text books".
Ready? steady? Go!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Roles for this week
As I am the facilitator this week, here there are the roles for this week:
Helper: Paloma
Analyst: Pilar
Journalist: Laura.
Star: Dinka
Facilitator: Ana
Helper: Paloma
Analyst: Pilar
Journalist: Laura.
Star: Dinka
Facilitator: Ana
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Star's reflexion about Manel's visit.
Hello. I'm Paloma and I have been the star during this week. My task is to summarise what we did on Monday with Manel but as the journalist and the analyst have done something similar yet I will talk about it from my point of view.
When Linda told us that Manel was coming and that he wasn't going to give us a lecture I taught that it was a joke. I couldn't imagine that what we were going to do with colour pencils, dinosaurs and plasticine would make us realise such amount of things without anybody telling them in an explicit way.
When we arrived into the class we were expectant because the truth is that maybe none of us knew what we were going to do. It was like a new game that we had not played before.
Manel showed us a short presentation and we were amazed when we saw what some children can do. Then we started the work. We had to make a comic, a story and an sop motion with dinosaurs. Manel lend an iPad to each group and we were supposed to work using it. Well, here the first problem, how to use an iPad? Not very difficult but If you know almost nothing about it, you can spend easily a few hours trying to understand how it works. At the end we saw that it was easier to use than what we taught at the beginning. We had an hour for doing the comic and the story but we spent almost 40 minutes trying to make the comic on the iPad. At this moment we diversified the work because we were not going to finish on time. We weren't working in the right way and we changed the roles. This worked because we had everything finished two hours later, including the photos for the stop motion.
After this day of working with dinosaurs we have been talking in class about the experience. For me it has been something totally new, I had never done something similar. I think we learned a lot of things because we weren't bored and the time flew. If every class was interesting, everybody would learn much more than what they learn now. I learned more in those four hours than I would have learned on those same hours but with another subject.
Thanks to Manel we have experienced that a different kind of education could be more meaningful. Now I have changed the way I saw education and innovation. I want to be a good teacher that thinks about what is important for his pupils to learn and that makes them realise that learning is not boring because It is the most interesting thing in the world.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friday 's class
Today Linda talked about how the same media canbe boring or interesting. It not depends on “what?”, but in “how?” makes it. Wecan make 2 videos with the same topic, both of them can take us the same time,and one can be completely insignificant, with no value, knowledge or moral, andthe other can be totally different and can take place in our mind for a longtime.
We had also though about how could we make contendsmore interesting and have a significant learning and even lifelong learning. Allthis have relationship with our last class with Manel. We said that the mostimportant thing is the creativity and a willingness to engage fully. Nowadaysthere are a lot of resources which aren´t very expensive, so the economic questionis not crucial. Good teachers don’t need many devices to achieve the goals orto scar the students for life, it definitely helps, but teachers have to makethe most of all that they have. In most of the cases the objects that we see asour enemy are our best allied. Many parents complain because they children watchtoo much television or spend too much time playing on computer games or on thePSP. We must analyze children’s preferences and try to use them like educativetool. If children like it, let’s use it and incorporate it in the methodology, let’smake it part of the experience and base on it achieve significant learning.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
We have already finished our weekly task but we are working very hard in other subjects. As I have to act as facilitator, I have prepared a cultural agenda for each of my girls to encourage them to finish all the tasks before the weekend for enjoying with some of the performances. I am sure they will find something interesting.
Best wishes
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Una mañana de dinosaurios con Manel
What have
we learnt today?
Well, today
has been a really interesting day. I think we have learnt a lot of things and
we have learnt them the way children do in the classes of Manel. This” not very
usual teacher” has a not very usual way (unfortunately) of understanding
teaching. I think he really loves what he does and his main objective is that
children learn in a way that will allow them to incorporate everything they
learn to their lives. They will learn by doing things, being their own
teachers, as they have to look for the information, process it and after that,
they learn it and they teach each other. All this way to do things in class
implies a big amount of work and planning by the teacher. It is not the easiest
way to teach, but it is the most rewarding, as children really like and enjoy
their learning, what makes this learning more lasting and meaningful. They
also, as Manel says, show their interest and let you know by means of their
immediate implication in their work or task. That interest in doing, working,
learning is what every teacher would like to receive from his/her pupils , but
teachers don´t receive what they don´t give. It takes a big amount of work to
carry this kind of projects out and it is not easy to face the reaction of
parents and colleges, because this way of doing things is not the “formal” way
in which it has always been done.
On the
other hand, as the morning has been long, we have learnt just a very little
part of what we can do with an iPad. It is really wonderful! You can do an
innumerable amount of things with this ”object”. It gives you new possibilities
to experiment with children, to do new things, to create your own stories and
to make possible that history is not so boring. This comic is one of the tasks we have done today and it has been really funny.
addition, we have learnt that we must administrate our time and organize our
group in order to be efficient and get our objectives in the time we have to do
our tasks.
Creative work
Our third activity in #SOyER12 was how to be more
creative and how to teach it to the children. It was developed with the collaboration
of Manel Rives, primary teacher, who taught us the dynamic of his classes and
the results of children’s works, using several tools, but the most important
were the autonomy and the creativity. He is working with new technologies, teaching the students to make visual projects in a public school near Santiago.
He doesn´t use teacher’s book, but another
tools such as powerful and easy for using by the kids software. The obligatory point of departure is historical mental map. They must search information, create
information and learn the information. They have to collaborate, plan, discuss,
and find the appropriate place for the activity. Children must be creative,
responsible and enterprising. And the
teacher must convince the parents that his method is at least as good as the
other methods, and he must sacrifice part of his free time, because this kind
of methodology absorbs more time and work than the normal book method, where
the teacher is the master of the universe, and he knows everything.
Actually, our activity includes three
tasks:Create a comic, write a tale and do a stop motion. For this tasks we
were more than ever, we have the help of Angela Clemente y Paloma Andugar.
Linda, Manel and other teachers helped to the other groups.
Using the iPad that
brings Manel, and dinosaurs, crayons, plasticine, camera and laptop, we had to
be creative. It was like the TV game “Do you know more than a child of primary
school?” We have little time to do the tasks, so we divide the work, therefore
all members of the group have something different to do. Ana, Paloma A. and
Angela were working on the tale, while Pilar, Paloma, laura and I were working
on the comic. When we finished the comic, we change the roles: Pilar y Paloma
create the characters of the tale in the iPad, and Ana, Laura, Paloma A. and I,
made the stop motion. Finally the entire group record the voices and the
movement of the tale’ characters. Taking into account that, we aren’t as
creative as children and we had little time, the results, were pretty good.
For the record that we have participated in the classroom practice, rather than sign a list, we took photo with Manel.
Primary education is not only painting and cutting, but it's part of it. The main goal is to try to be at least as creative as children and promote their knowledge, creativity and intelegence. The assignment doesn't metter if there is no learning.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Roles for this week
Hi everybody! These are the roles for this week:
Paloma: star
Ana: analyst
Dinka: journalist
Laura: helper
Pilar: facilitator
I’m still excited about Manel’s visit. It has been very interesting and thought- provoking. We have a lot of things to learn. Have a good week girls
Paloma: star
Ana: analyst
Dinka: journalist
Laura: helper
Pilar: facilitator
I’m still excited about Manel’s visit. It has been very interesting and thought- provoking. We have a lot of things to learn. Have a good week girls
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Shot two: Ghynkhana
Last Friday our stars made the presentation of Gymkhana: SOS endangered animals, but we couldn’t record it. So, after the classes, we take the second shot and here you can see the results.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
This week we have done a pechakucha presentation about one real activity which is being developed currently in a school using ICT. It has been really interesting because with only “one” activity, the presentation, we have learnt many things:
Firstly, what is a pechakucha. Well, I think this is the easiest part but only in theory; a pechakucha is an oral presentation supported by a visual presentation made with 20 slides of 20 seconds each one. The difficult part is to take this into practice. Having only 20 seconds to explain something can be really difficult and it involves to have very cleared in mind what you want to say. And it is even more difficult when the topic you want to explain is something technical and complex. In fact, some explanations have seemed to be a little bit confusing or at least the idea has not been completely clear because of the time we had. All the group have been working hard along this week and the stars Pilar and Ana have worked really hard to do the performance as better as possible due to its difficulty.
During all this week we have been preparing our activity (pechakucha presentation). First of all, we read and informed us about the activity carried out by José María de Pereda public school in Cantabria. It consists of an interactive game, based on the teaching machines (Skinner) in which children have to answers questions about animals which are endangered. This game is carried out using internet, thus children not only can play in school but also at their homes. Until they do not answer a question correctly they cannot go on. When finally they finish all the questions they have a game to enjoy.
The role of the teacher is a guide, firstly he explains the dynamics of the activity helped by a digital whiteboard and later children, placed in pairs, answer the question on the tablets using different web pages looking for the relevant information that they have been requested.
This activity is very interesting because apart from keeping children really interested on what they are doing they are much more collaborative and less selfish.
Regarding TPACK theory, the three elements are working here mixing each other and arising other new components. We have:
Technology, they are using and learning about it because they search the web to look for information and they use tablets to answer the questions.
Pedagogy, the way they are learning keep them motivated and make them to be more collaborative as well.
Contents, endanger animals like brown beard, lynx, wolf… their environment, footprints… and also other contents like language and culture.
All along this activity we have seen how all the elements of the curriculum have been implemented. Obviously when the school began to develop this activity there are several factors from the curriculum to take into account, first and related to people and institutions, the center itself and the people inside, the teachers have to be aware about new technologies and between the children there are some students with disabilities and immigrants who do not have Spanish as their mother tongue. And it also requires the parent’s implication when the children work at home. The activity is directed to 11-12 years-old students.
As far as design is concerned they have planned beginning with a main objective which is that children learn how and where to look for the information required through the web. And from that main point they develop the rest of contents and objectives which are mainly related to science and digital competences but also transversally, with language and cultural competences.
Finally, media and technologies which is the third element of the curriculum. To carry on this activity is necessary to have a wide range of resources, a digital whiteboard to explain the activity, internet, tablets… although at first it does not seem very affordable the big advantage is the motivation that children show with it.
All these activities, the one we have been working on and the ones in which our class mates have been working, make us to see the involvement of some teachers in their pupil´s development and make us to realize how many things we can do as future teachers making children learn and enjoy at the same time.
Finally we have had to learn how to make a good visual and oral presentation, or at least that is what we have tried to do. Because of teachers maybe are not good natural speakers they have to learn and have into account some techniques to achieve it. Bearing in mind all Linda´s explanations about how to make a good presentation we started by reading and informing us about the activity itself to know it well. Then we made a “storyboard” which consists of organize all the information that we had to tell to our classmates into the 20 slides we had, then, we thought about, color, pictures, letters, messages… Well, I think we have taken into account all this points correctly, but you can judge by yourself watching our presentation, here you have, we hope you enjoy it!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Today we have had seven interesting presentations about some projects that teachers have done in their schools. Every presentation has been different and we could say that not everybody has worked the same in their pechakucha presentation. Every exposition has been recorded so we can see it and try to find our mistakes in order to avoid them the next time.
Here there are some pictures of the stars of each group doing the exposition:
Here there are some pictures of the stars of each group doing the exposition:
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Viajamos virtualmente |
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Matemáticas sin tiza |
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Gymkana SOS Animales en peligro de Extinción |
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Los Beatles y la Beatlemanía |
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Creamos un parlamento |
Wiki de animales |
No es la tecnología, es lo que podemos hacer con ella |
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