Friday, February 17, 2012

TPCK expositions

Positive points about the expositions:

  • One specific exposition has been very well organized in terms of content.
  • The fluency of some of our classmates.
  • Some of them have been very clear and natural.
  • One of the stars has introduced herself and has used greetings as a way of interacting with the audience.
  • Some have used different examples to clarify the explanation.
  • Some of the schemes were clear and easy to understand.

Negative points about the expositions:

  • The volume of the voice has been hardly heard. A real teacher has to use a teacher voice.
  • The majority of the groups have forgotten the historical evolution of the relation between content, pedagogy and technology.
  • One part of the representations has been very schematic and the other part  hasn’t followed the rules about the number of characters.
  • There were a lot of posters which were difficult to understand without the star’s explanation.
  • You shouldn’t read when you do an exposition.
  •   Some of our classmates didn’t look at us while they were explaining their posters.

The easiest part:

  • Understanding the TPCK theory has been the easiest part of the task.

The most difficult part:

  • Representing the theory using another type of diagram and also the star’s task, overall when Linda was attending her explanation.

Our TPCK poster.

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